La Rondine

19 and 27 August

“Posterity will see what a bijou!”

The opera that Puccini composed between May 1914 and April 1916 for the Carltheater in Vienna will be presented in a production that is the result of a collaboration with the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, but which, due to the war, was not staged in Vienna but had its premiere in Monte Carlo in 1917.

After the lukewarm reception the opera received in Bologna, on the occasion of its Italian premiere a few months after its triumph in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917, Puccini had this to say: “Posterity will see what a bijou!” La Rondine is certainly not a “minor opera”, as many have defined this Puccini work. On the contrary, it belongs to the Maestro’s full artistic maturity, with many references to European opera and operetta production, and to musicians such as Massenet, Léhar and Offenbach.

The protagonist of the opera, Magda, loves the Parisian worldly life and aspires to a romantic and passionate love.

L’allestimento presentato a Torre del Lago vede la regia di Denis Krief e la direzione di Robert Trevino

La Rondine

by Giacomo Puccini

Staging by

Maggio Musicale Fiorentino


Robert Trevino

Direction, sets, lights and costumes

Denis Krief



Jaquelyn Wagner


Mirjam Mesak


Ivan Ayon Rivas


Didier Pieri


Vincenzo Neri